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Visual Arts

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.”-Julia Cameron

Cardinal Newman Visual Arts students will grow in their ability to describe, interpret, evaluate, and respond to the visual arts using the following content standards:

#1: Students create artworks and demonstrate understanding of materials, processes,

       tools, media, techniques and available technology.

#2: Students use knowledge of composition and the elements and principles of design to

       communicate their ideas in a variety of visual forms.

#3: Students identify, choose and discriminate themes, media and subject matter and

       formal technical and expressive aspects of art.

#4: Students understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

#5: Students will reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the

       work of others

#6: Students will make connections between visual arts and other disciplines


       The primary purpose of a Catholic visual arts education is to foster recognition that we have a responsibility as creators, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to become channels through which the mysteries of God’s complex creation are revealed. Additionally, a visual arts education is to provide a framework for students in which they can grow in their ability to describe, interpret, evaluate, and respond to the visual arts. In doing so, we strive to foster an appreciation and awareness of the visual arts, an understanding of the potential importance of art in our everyday life, and an awareness of the power and influence art can have culturally and historically.

       We also strive to provide an avenue for positive self-expression through the use of a variety of materials, techniques and processes, to encourage independent thinking, foster observation skills and an interest in other divergent styles and media.